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“Treat every investor like they are a million-dollar investor.” ~ Vinney ChopraTaking this real estate investment philosophy a step further, always treat your investors like they are investing $1M. Because when you do so, it will, eventually, be a million as word-of-mouth comes into play.
Back when I started off with syndications, my daily schedule involved a lot of monotonous tasks like:
Following this routine for 10-12 people became grueling and laborious, that’s when I started looking for efficient ways to do all this, ways that will save my time as well as energy. We decided to automate the entire thing, give our active investors the ability to create accounts, have a dashboard, post an investment, review the details, and much more. That was the inception of SyndicationPro - a Real Estate Syndication Software.Realizing that investors were in dire need of such a platform, I decided to take it to the next level, polished up the corners, and formalized SyndicationPro, which is now a licensing platform allowing syndicators to raise capital in their own unique ways.
Listen To The Podcast Here: Building Relationships and Raising Capital With SyndicationPro
Check Out Our Podcast: Unveiling Best Strategies To Find Multifamily Deals
It’s simple - People have registered with you, they’re interested, keep them updated and touch base with them once a month at least.
Taking our syndications outside of our network - our first syndication online and at scale. The biggest hurdle was raising capital for that first deal. It took us a little over a few months to raise $350,000 on that first deal. Cut to a few weeks from the first deal, we raised money for the second deal. Now, we can raise a million or more in just about 24 to 48 hours. All praises to SyndicationPro.“The major fortunes in America have been made in the land” ~ John D. Rockefeller
A monthly update with the investors, write up some bullet points, and have a written narrative. The more opportunities people have to see your face and watch you speak, the more intimate relations you’re able to build with them. Once the investors trust in you, you can raise money within no time.
Being in the right place at the right time. Early on when I first started with real estate I luckily got in touch with an experienced investor. This started with a wholesaling deal - I was wholesaling a house and he ended up buying it after which I took all my deals to him first. It was with this first experience that I was able to catapult my experience and steer my way to success in real estate syndication.Learn More About SyndicationPro: Real Estate Syndication Software: SyndicationPro