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If 2020 taught us anything, it is that markets can be incredibly volatile.
Last year, as measured by the volatility index (VIX), was the most volatile year since the Great Depression. The year was characterized by dramatic swings in both positive and negative directions. Unpredictability remained a perpetual constant.
But even beyond the volatility, we witnessed within markets of all kinds, the year was also characterized by some incredible structural changes. New trends, work preferences (and constraints), and technologies all directly influenced the market and how the broader market performed. Many already existing trends, such as the shift towards working from home, were significantly accelerated.
Ultimately, change is simply unavoidable. Even when the economy is relatively “stable”—whatever that might mean—there will still be many market shifts occurring regularly. The economy, in a sense, behaves like a living organism. The way it exists today will never be the same as the way it exists tomorrow.
Naturally, anyone hoping to earn strong returns, whether through real estate syndication or any other method, will need to have a broad set of tools available to work with. One of the most useful tools for investors is investment management software. This software, such as SyndicationPro, makes it significantly easier for investors to remain in control of their investments and continue pursuing their financial objectives.
So, what are some of the reasons investment management software is so important during market shifts?
One of the driving forces behind the market for investment management software has been the need for automation. Of course, in the world of real estate, syndicates and sponsors will still need to carefully select the properties they are investing in by hand. However, as many sponsors are beginning to discover, there are still many different tasks that can be automated, allowing them to use their time more efficiently.
The best investment management software will make it easy to automatically generate reports, monitor your business, and also eliminate other tasks (such as data entries, eSign, and distributions) that you used to do manually. Having these sorts of tasks become automated is especially important during market shifts—properties are often appearing on the market for just days or even hours at a time. The last thing you’d want is to miss an excellent investment opportunity because you were caught up in some mundane responsibility.
With better platforms and new developments, it has become possible for investors to access a wider swath of data than ever before. Data plays a pivotal role in the investment space, allowing investors to quantify the risk, reward, and other variables that come with each investment that they make.
Having larger swaths of data available will be extremely appealing to potential investors. In fact, data (such as expected returns, price per square foot, etc.) is usually what causes an investor to pursue or reject a potential investment. Rather than needing to pull out the old Rolodex and pitch each opportunity by hand, investment management software makes it easy for all essential data points to be accessed and shared in a single location. The platform you choose will play a pivotal role in attracting—and retaining—outside the capital.
The more volatile the market becomes, the more information investors are likely going to want to see before making any sort of commitment. According to one expert, “Market shifts cause an accurate assessment of risks to become even more essential as investors begin to review the performance of their portfolio often so that they can determine the best actions to take.”
During periods of high volatility, investors will tend to hold tightly to their capital and avoid any sort of sponsor that just wants to “take the money and run.” As a result, monitoring plays a very pivotal role. Luckily, investor management software can help make it easy for investors to track their capital, monitor any possible developments, and make the appropriate changes as needed.
In the world of commercial real estate, there are many investors who hear multiple pitches every day. Inevitably, there will be some opportunities they choose to pursue and other opportunities they choose to pass on. Ultimately, it remains the sponsor’s responsibility to demonstrate that they are trustworthy and that the investor’s money will do well in their hands.
Using transparent, accessible, and easy-to-use investment management software, like SyndicationPro, is a great way for aspiring sponsors to establish credibility. Being able to use professionally branded email templates, being able to provide instant updates, and being straightforward about project financing will all help directly increase investor confidence. Furthermore, investing in the best software will demonstrate that you care about your syndicate and are willing to do what it takes to remain ahead of your competitors.
Ultimately, the reason so many firms turn to investment management software is that—like the name might imply—it enhances essentially every component of the investment process. From beginning to end, countless tasks can now be easily controlled from a single, centralized location.
This includes tasks such as identifying possible investors, obtaining eSignatures when needed, distributing revenues, getting soft commitments, organizing the cosponsor team, and more. Essentially, if it plays a role in real estate syndication, you will find investment management software that can help get the job done. Furthermore, you’ll also be able to effectively customize the platform so it is specific to your own company, including controlling the layout, integrating your own website, and adding your company’s own logos, colors, and other brand details.
Whether you are using SyndicationPro or any other platform, it is important to integrate investment management software into your daily activities. With enhanced automation, better data, better monitoring, increased transparency, and streamlined management tools, deciding to take advantage of this technology has never been easier. We encourage you to learn more about investment management software that can help your enterprise achieve its goals.