Sep 20, 2023

Investment Management Software: How to Use Them

Jacob Blackett
Investment Management Software: How to Use Them

Investment management software is not a new word in the real estate scene. Sadly, many real estate agents are navigating through this industry without a proper one. The consequence is longer time spent on handling smaller tasks when it should be spent closing more deals. If you don’t have reliable investment management software in your arsenal to help you organize your accounts and rental properties, then it’s time to get on the train. This software will always remain relevant, especially a highly recommended one like SyndicationPro, which experts like Jacob Blackett use regularly. What exactly can investment management software do?

What a Good Investment Management Should Include:

The purpose of investment management software is to help you streamline your real estate tasks through various top-notch features handling all aspects of leasing, operations, accounting, and management. The right investment management software can help you track payables and receivables, file taxes, store documents, monitor rental applications, connect with your team remotely, and generally keep your operations running smoothly. However, with the numerous options available, how do you pick the one perfect for your business?

TIP #1: It Should Be Scalable

You should pick an investment management software that will accommodate your long-term goals seamlessly. The right one will not be stretched past its limit when you decide to expand your business in the future. Therefore, pick investment management software that can easily adjust to your unique needs while not imposing any limits like the number of users.

TIP #2: Price

While some may say that you can’t put a price on value, you should make sure that whatever investment management software you opt for provides tons of features that match its price point. Depending on your preferences and business needs, you can choose platforms that charge an annual fee or those that only require a one-time fee. Usually, investment management software with a one-time fee would have to be upgraded with extra payment for advanced features. Have a budget in mind before searching for investment management software.

TIP #3: Encourages Automation

An investment management software is meant to make handling real estate tasks easier and faster. One that doesn’t do this is not right for you. Therefore, you should look out for software that automates tasks so that you don’t have to monitor requests, important documents, meetings, and other details manually. The goal is to make your business more organized and efficient. Take a look at SyndicationPro as an example. This investment management software is a comprehensive platform that incorporates technological advances in every aspect of investment management. Most tasks can be handled in one place, making them accessible and eliminating miscommunication.

TIP #4: Cloud-Based Or On-Premise?

This refers to the deployment type, and your choice will depend on your company’s needs. Would you want a cloud-based investment management software that doesn’t need maintenance, cheaper, can be accessed from anywhere as long as you have a reliable internet connection and is easy to set up? Or would you prefer on-premise deployment where you can access user data locally and customize it to fit your business needs? If you would rather opt for on-premise deployment, you should make sure that it can work with existing systems seamlessly. Either way, the choice is yours.

TIP #5: Integration with Other Tools

Your investment management software should easily integrate with other available business tools like customer relationship management and content management systems. It could even be with another investment management softwareMost importantly, your choice of investment management software shouldn’t be tough to master. Your team will have to learn how to navigate the platform. Therefore, if you pick one that is complex, that would take valuable work time from your team. You wouldn’t want them to spend longer than necessary learning how to use the software when they could be doing something more productive. With the tons of options available in the market today, a viable option for your real estate brand will be SyndicationPro. Jacob Blackett uses this to keep track of both investors and leads, secure soft commitments from investors, and view insights into existing investments. It takes little time to set up while your team won’t have any problems learning how to navigate the interface. This is definitely worth checking out via

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